Halloween for Dance Team!
Halloween is a perfect time to line up some bonding activities. Visit a corn maze, carve pumpkins together, head to local spooky season events! But one thing is for sure, group costumes are a fun photo op, content for your team social, AND make some pretty special memories. Since you might be a little too old to trick or treat, let’s talk about something to dress up for! Host a trick or treat street for your neighborhood!
Some communities have less access to a safe secure neighborhood, some neighborhoods don’t have the funds to participate in trick or treat. Whatever the reason, trick or treat streets can provide a fun night for parents and kids to feel safe and show off their costumes.
If you have an activities director consult them on these next steps:
Find a date and time.
Find local vendors to donate their time like a face painting station, face mask making station, corn hole play station, photo booth, popcorn stand, etc. If you’re doing this at your school you can also ask all sports or activities to be responsible for one thing each!
Dress up as a team and host each station.
Consider a group performance!
Looking for a group costume idea?
Check these out:
Follow us on Instagram for more ideas, inspiration, resources, news, events, and of course CHOREO!
Check out our video store for full sideline/halftime routines complete with top of the line remixes.
